DNA Forensics Laboratory Private Limited has a promise of excellence and quick results. It is now opening up its collection centers all over India. DNA Test in Nagaur can now be done effortlessly. You can also avail free counseling and find out the type of test that suits your needs. While some are done for peace of mind, others are done by order from court. Immigration, crime cases and other related issues have become easier with DNA Testing facility in Nagaur. It can be done for paternity, maternity and sibling-ship tests also.
The analysts and the specialists at DNA Forensics Laboratory go through massive training in order to ensure precision and swiftness of results. The cost of DNA testing at DFL is nominal and as per government customs.
Our results of DNA tests uniquely identify an individual. As a result, there are many criminal cases that can be solved by placing the subject at the crime scene. First, forensic investigators obtain samples of blood, hair or tissue from the science of crime. Secondly, lab technicians can easily verify the identity of the person involved in the crime. When presented in court, the result of a DNA test is generally accepted as a fact. From this result, the judicial and police system will rely on the credibility and power of DNA fingerprinting to obtain a verdict.
We are the first private Lab in India to deliver results on the same day and the second day for DNA paternity and maternity testing. By an additional charge you can avail these express test options. You must also provide your DNA samples directly to our laboratory located in New Delhi. If you cannot go to our Delhi lab, you can visit one of your nearest DFL sample collection centers and provide your DNA samples, for this condition, same day and next day facilities turnaround time will be applicable after receiving your DNA samples at our Delhi lab for processing.
We ensure the consistency, accuracy, and honesty of all the tests we conduct at DNA Forensics Laboratory. For DNA tests in Nagaur, Rajasthan, please fill the form below. Our executive will get in touch with you. You can also call us to make an appointment or for any queries at: +91-8010177771 or WhatsApp: +91 9266615552.
Paternity DNA test in Nagaur, Rajasthan
Maternity DNA test in Nagaur, Rajasthan
Relationship DNA test in Nagaur, Rajasthan
Immigration DNA test in Nagaur, Rajasthan
Email: info@dnaforensics.in