A Paternity Trio DNA Test needs participation from the alleged father, the child as well as the alleged mother. Looking as per laboratory procedures, if only child and alleged father is involved then it is called as motherless paternity test. When the laboratory has DNA samples from both the mother and the alleged father, it can cancel out the mother’s contribution to the child’s DNA profile and focus solely on the alleged father’s. By doing so, the lab can more readily verify whether the alleged father is the biological father of the child.
While rating reliability factor among Trio and motherless paternity tests, both are considered equally accurate. The only difference is that the motherless paternity test requires additional testing and analysis to produce conclusive results.
DNA paternity tests can have other configurations besides trio and motherless. A paternity test can involve more than one child and / or more than one alleged father. These additional tested parties may cost extra charges but again, the test results will remain precise and trustworthy as those of a standard paternity test. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., as a trusted source, chooses the right type of testing option for our clients. Also, we place honesty and ethics as priority. To know more about our approach regarding this, feel free to consult any of our experts before going ahead.
The company envisions A grade standards to be served in community. In order to create superior impression as service providers, we guarantee that you will receive 99.99% or greater probability in results. We understand that time is essential for our clients in case of deadline for submitting results or other similar purposes. It may take 4 to 5 working days to complete a standard paternity test from DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. team.
For additional information about Paternity Trio testing services or to receive a free consultation, you can reach our DNA testing experts at +91 8010177771 or WhatsApp us at +91 9213177771.
Since the peace of mind test samples are not collected under a strict chain of custody or on order of honorable court by a third neutral party and the Laboratory cannot verify the origin of the samples, this test result may not be defensible in a court of law for the establishment of paternity/relationship and other legally related issues. The tested parties’ names that may appear on this report have been provided by the client and cannot be verified. The laboratory assumes no responsibility for incorrect or misspelled patient information.